Tarot Spread for Self (and Body) Acceptance
I use tarot all the time to help me get in touch with a deeper part of myself. I love the ways messages will come across in tarot spreads, and I encourage clients to use their cards regularly as a way to come back to their inner wisdom.
For this spread, I recommend lighting a candle and bringing an item that symbolizes self/body acceptance to you. This can be an item from nature, reminding us our bodies are literal nature and our shapes and sizes are naturally occurring. But it can also be a favorite Lizzo quote you’ve written down or anything that feels like it brings you closer to a sense of peace.
Pick your favorite deck and shuffle, selecting 7 cards. Place the first wo cards in the center. Cards 3-5 are placed beneath the center cards, and cards 6-7 places above.
1. What is an aspect of myself I can accept and appreciate more fully?
2. What is a challenge I can anticipate on this journey?
3. What or who will support me in accepting my body specifically?
4. What or who will support me in accepting my emotions specifically?
5. What or who will support me in accepting my mental patterns?
6. What is a helpful reminder when this gets hard or I feel self doubt?
7. What is an outcome of this journey I can work towards?
Enjoy spending time with the cards and I encourage you to revisit this spread as many times as you’d like. Be sure to have compassion for yourself and how hard self (and body) acceptance can be. Remember we are doing this work in a context that actively is fighting against us accepting ourselves. Self acceptance is a radical act!
Tarot Spread for Self (and Body) Acceptance